
Monday, March 24, 2014

HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Emergency Couple Episodes 16-17 (1/4)

If this week's Emergency Couple episodes didn't tug the audience's heartstrings, then I don't know what will. With a one episode extension announced this week, four episodes to go, our main characters should have enough time to build a nice happy ending from here onwards.

Those who did not see this week's episodes yet might not want to read on since there will be spoilers.

This week's surprise upset involves Chang Min's father, Oh Tae Suk (Kang Shin Il). The reason why he quit being a doctor is revealed by Chang Min's uncle, but I still don't know why Oh Tae Suk was specifically cold to his wife. He appears to make effort to care for her in last week's episodes, but is it because he thought he was not going to live long?

I cried throughout most of episode 16 and a little bit of episode 17 during Oh Tae Suk's funeral. I still can't believe Oh Tae Suk is gone. I really expected him to live.

As a result, Oh Tae Suk's wife, Yoon Sung Sook (Park Joon Geum) mellowed down drastically this week to the point where she acknowledges ex-daughter-in-law Oh Jin Hee (Song Ji Hyo) as a doctor and even tolerates Jin Hee's presence during this whole ordeal. As much as I hated Sung Sook's character, I felt sorry for her loss and pain.

Meanwhile, I felt as though Oh Chang Min (Choi Jin Hyuk) had his head in the wrong place this week. All I could remember is him telling his mother and Jin Hee to go home repeatedly. Even if he was strangers with Jin Hee, there is no reason why he needs to push Jin Hee out of the hospital while his father is in the operating room. It was bad timing to worry about who gets to stay, worry, and support the Oh family at this point. I also don't see the big deal in who gets to help serve food to the funeral attendees at the funeral. Chang Min is operating under the thought that Jin Hee might find someone better so it is better to maintain distance from her. I do understand that, but during a time of grief, all these feelings should have been put in the back burner. How can he worry about love problems at this time?

I think it's ridiculous how the rumors of Jin Hee's personal life with Chang Min and Chief Gook Chun Soo (Lee Pil Mo) affected the whole ER department. It's also ridiculous for Jin Hee to believe that her divorce has affected other people such as Dr. Gook, who was indirectly suspended at the hospital. How could evil surgeon Ahn Young Pil have the power to fire and suspend another doctor in another department? Furthermore, Dr. Gook mentioned that Professor Ahn has a past sexual harassment charge.

The Wusu hospital is getting more ridiculous when the Chief of the ER department hinted that Oh Tae Suk should have been given preferential treatment because of his ties to Dr. Yoon Sung Gil. As Dr. Shim Ji Hye (Choi Yeo Jin) mentioned, why is the social background of the patient important? On the other hand, to avoid trouble, Dr. Shim tried to urge Dr. Gook not to treat Oh Tae Suk after Oh Tae Suk was moved to another department in fear of Dr. Gook being reprimanded. Either way, these doctors seem to be playing with patient lives.

Intern Im Young Kyu (Yoon Jong Hoon) disappointed me a lot this week. If he wanted to quit being an intern, at least he should have showed up to work and make a formal declaration, not skip work to go to a concert and purposely get beat up. Young Kyu was so quick to jump to conclusions and not get the proper advice that he needed to get through his problem. Young Kyu was so scared to have a negative record on his intern evaluations, but how is skipping work and acting reckless a better alternative?

By the way, I love the jacket that Han Ah Reum (Clara) wore to the concert. Sometimes, one can just wear a nice jacket instead of dressing up.

In other surprising and perhaps disappointing news, intern Lee Young Ae (Chun Min Hee) is found not to be pregnant via ultrasound. Honestly, I found it weird that she only took one pregnancy test and thought that she was pregnant. Furthermore, Dr. Shim could not find the baby and it was not an ectopic pregnancy where the embryo planted itself in the wrong place. With her husband upset by this news, I'm sure the newlyweds are hitting a rough patch at this time. Even with a false alarm, the young couple still has many more chances to have a baby in the future.

Lastly, I am surprised at Dr. Gook's beautiful home and even more surprised that he is a typical bachelor who has a messy home. I thought he would be using his suspension time to go find his parents, but he stayed home instead, reading medical text.

Sadly, Dr. Gook dodged all of Jin Hee's questions about his past and family when Jin Hee asked. Did he not feel close or comfortable enough with Jin Hee to tell her the truth? Or was Dr. Shim special in that she had the ability to get the truth out of Dr. Gook?

What do you all think about this week's episodes? Did you tear up? Coming up, Tanya will give her thoughts on this week's episodes. Zombie Mamma is off this week. Until then, let's all work hard until we all come back!

Be sure to check out our blogs for more Hallyu fun!
Miss something? You can catch up on all of our past discussions of Emergency Couple here:
Episodes 1-2: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Episodes 3-4: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Episodes 5-6: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Episodes 7: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Episodes 8-9: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Episodes 10-11: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Episodes 12-13: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Episodes 14-15: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Episodes 16-17: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]

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